Sand, everywhere!
To reinforce the idea that you are indeed in the New Mexican desert, we needed to show that you are essentially in a dust bowl. To achieve this I had the help of Kevin, a lecturer who helps us on Fridays. He showed me where to download the particle effects package in unity then how to adjust them to the right colour and dispersion rate.

It's a little faint, but you can see the dust clouds circling the town. This is achieved by setting the shape of the particle system to a circle then expanding its size.

By adjusting these settings I can affect the dust storm as I wish, I've already tinkered with it to get the right mixture for the in-game setting. Using the 'colour over time' setting, starting with a deep orange slowly gaining some brightness then turning a much more reddish orange it helps add some depth to the clouds.
We may use another particle system for the skybox, but we'll have to do some testing first to get the right combination.