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After our winter break and dissertation we needed to begin work on the second area of the game, the minefield. Stan began with concept work while I was put in charge of designing the minefield itself. My main concern was making a path the player could follow but not make it too easy for them. I tried at first by using about 70+ mines spread all over the area, after some consideration I instead opted to use 37 and limit the surrounding area with invisible walls.

I ensured the trigger boxes were wide enough that players couldn't slip past them as well as jump over them. They were fairly easy to see when sat in the open sand.

But I then thought, why would i make this easy and started hiding them in some of the areas plants and rocks. Stepping into the trigger box of the mines causes an explosion sound to play and send the player to a game over state.

After these are all laid out it's back to voice recording.

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